We would like to invite you for our regulars’ table. If you are interested to support the LuxDoc organizing committee please register for the regulars’ table by writing an email to luxdoc@uni.lu.
Date: 17th of Spetember
Where: Urban, Belval
If you are a young researcher in Luxembourg and you want to become a member of LuxDoc please follow the link https://luxdoc.uni.lu/join-luxdoc/
Dear young researchers,
We would like to invite you for our regulars’ table. If you are interested to support the LuxDoc organizing committee please register for the regulars’ table by writing an email to luxdoc@uni.lu.
Date: 17th of Spetember
Where: Urban, Belval
If you are a young researcher in Luxembourg and you want to become a member of LuxDoc please follow the link https://luxdoc.uni.lu/join-luxdoc/
We look forward to seeing you!